Founded by German-based Ewelina Smarz, evyïnit has a captivating story that began in 2011. Ewelina, in her search for a loop-scarf that combined vibrant colors with superior quality, was disappointed by the lack of options in the market. Motivated by this gap in accessory fashion, she took matters into her own hands and designed her own sample, which was expertly hand-knitted by her mother.

The response to Ewelina’s individual creation was overwhelming. Passersby in the streets of Frankfurt were captivated by her scarf and inquired about its origin. Encouraged by the positive feedback, Ewelina took a leap of faith and established her own label in early 2012. Driven by her intuition and passion for contemporary and individual knitwear designs, she embarked on a journey that would ultimately shape evyïnit into the brand it is today.

Since that first sample, evyïnit has flourished, expanding its range of knitwear significantly. In 2012, our inaugural autumn/winter collection graced the shelves of carefully selected retailers, and its popularity propelled us into the presence of even more renowned stockists.

At evyïnit, we hold sustainability close to our hearts. We recognize our responsibility to protect the environment, and we strive to minimize our ecological footprint. Through thoughtful material sourcing and ethical production practices, we are committed to making a positive impact on the fashion industry and our planet.